Youth Council of Trnava Region /RMTK/ is an association of youth organizations in the territory of Trnava Region. It is not a traditional non-governmental organization connecting individuals in various interest activities, but it forms a certain roof organization for these associations in Trnava Region which are its members /they are willing to cooperate on the platform of RMTK/. RMTK came into existence in 2000 and has its own law subjectivity and organs. RMTK unites children and youth organizations with various aims /local parts of all national organizations as well as the associations with a regional competence/ without regard to political, religious or national competence.
The aims of RMTK are especially:
- to influence state politics and politics of autonomous organs /in conformity with law order/ in benefit of creating suppositions for all-sided, free and democratic development of children and youth, in meaning of realization their authorized interests and in this way to participate at creating a regional politics towards youth
- to help creating suppositions for an activity of the children and youth organizations and for coordinated putting their common interests across
- to coordinate the activity with partner organizations in Slovakia as well as in abroad, with international government and non-government organizations and associations which exert activities in opportunity children and youth
- to coordinate with state and autonomous organizations and citizen associations which exert activities in the sphere of RMTK
- to provide consultative, methodical and information services for member organizations
- in co-operation with interested to help creating financial sources for activities children and youth organizations
Every children and youth organization working at the territory of Trnava Region which keeps following conditions can become a member of RMTK:
- it is registered in conformity with a law about citizen associations
- its main purposes are non-profit activities directed in benefit of the children and the youth
- it respects human rights and it cannot propagate nationalism, militarism, religious or racial discrimination, at which associating the members and creating the organs of organization keeps constitutional democratic principles
- children and youth at the age to 26 years form a majority of the registered members
- it keeps other conditions determined by RMTK or by legitimate decision of the General meeting The local organizations which, act at the territory of Trnava Region and district parts of all Slovak organizations can be a member of RMTK.
All-Slovak organizations, which do not have district parts, can apply for a membership just through the two part in every district of Trnava Region. The amount of registered members cannot be lower than 20. The organization has to prove its law subjectivity. Only the organization, which has been an observer for 12 months, can become a member of RMTK. An application for a membership has to be brought briefly by statutory body of applying organization to the Board of Directors of RMTK, which brings it for a discussion of the General Meeting.Organization statutes and other document about a law subjectivity and an honest declaration about the amount of members must be enclosed to the application. The General Meeting decides about granting membership in its resolution. Every children and youth organization working at the territory of Trnava Region, which is a candidate for membership or which does not keep some of the membership conditions in meaning of the statuses /for example if it does not have a law subjectivity or sufficient amount of members/ can become an observer of RMTK. An application for granting a statute of an observer is brought briefly by a statutory body of applying organization to the Board of Directors of RMTK, which can decide about temporary granting of the statute of observer. The Board of Directors brings an application of the organization on the nearest discussion of the General Meeting. The General Meeting decides about granting the statute of observer in its resolution.
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